Nail Art Tutorial#: 122000002

Doing A French Manicure - Step by step
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Aug 09, 2017

Step by Step Tutorial
A short description :
French manicure is easy to do on yourself or a relative at home. Choose a pale pink or clear base coat and make your tips pop with a crescent of white nail polish.
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Remove your old nail polish. Dip a cotton swab into some nail polish remover and remove all of your old nail polish, even if it's clear.


French manicures look more striking with longer nails, so you don't want to trim them too close to your fingertips.Start by trimming your nails to the desired length. Make sure all of them are even.


File and buff your nails. Use a nail file to finish shaping your nails so that they each have a smooth, crescent-shaped edge. You can file your nails into a square or round shape, depending on your preference.


Soak your nails. Place your hands in a warm bowl of water, whole milk or olive oil.


Push back and trim your cuticles. Use an orange stick or cuticle pusher to push your cuticles back. Clip off any hangnails or bits of dead skin with a cuticle cutter or small nail scissors.


Apply the base coat. The base coat of a French manicure is usually pale pink, cream, or clear. Start by painting a stripe down the center of your first nail, then two more stripes on either side.


Paint your nail tips with white polish. Making sure your hand is steady, paint white crescents on your nail tips.
The white polish should stop right where the whites of your nails stop. Allow the tips to completely dry, then apply another coat if you wish.
The white polish should stop right where the whites of your nails stop. Allow the tips to completely dry, then apply another coat if you wish.


Add a clear top coat to protect the look of your freshly painted nails. Using a top coat will help the manicure last longer, too.


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