Nail Art Tutorial#: 121300006

Making matte nail polish using matte topcoat on a regular manicure
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Aug 02, 2017

Step by Step Tutorial
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A short description :
There are a few simple ways to turn ordinary nail polish into matte nail polish.
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Gather your supplies. If you cannot find a matte nail polish in a color you like, you can always use a matte topcoat on top of a regular nail polish that you do like. Here's what you'll need:
•Nail polish
•Matte topcoat
•Nail polish
•Matte topcoat


Wipe your nails down with nail polish remover if you aren't wearing any nail polish. Nail polish won't stick to even the slightest bit of oil. Soak a cotton ball with some nail polish remover, and wipe down your nails with it


Apply a basecoat. This will protect your nails and keep them from getting stained, especially if you are going to use a darker nail polish color


Apply two thin coats of nail polish. Be sure to let each coat dry before applying the next one. You can use any nail polish color you want, but a solid color may look better than metallic, pearlescent, iridescent, or glittery one


Make sure that you are happy with the finish of your manicure. Matte topcoats tend to bring out all imperfections, including streaks and unevenness.
Make sure that your manicure is just the way you like it; the matte topcoat won't conceal imperfections like a glossy one might
Make sure that your manicure is just the way you like it; the matte topcoat won't conceal imperfections like a glossy one might


Choose a high-quality matte topcoat. The bottle must say "matte" on it, or else this will not work. Keep in mind that some matte topcoats may lighten or alter the color of your manicure.
If the topcoat looks milky or foggy in the bottle, then it will most likely lighten/alter the color of your manicure
If the topcoat looks milky or foggy in the bottle, then it will most likely lighten/alter the color of your manicure


Apply the topcoat to your nails and let it dry. Some topcoats can a very long time to dry. Even if the nail polish looks dry to the touch, it may still be wet underneath.
Try to be careful with your nails for the next hour or two.
•Be aware that matte topcoats tend to be more visual than protective. Not all matte topcoats will protect your manicure against chipping
Try to be careful with your nails for the next hour or two.
•Be aware that matte topcoats tend to be more visual than protective. Not all matte topcoats will protect your manicure against chipping
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